If you are going to be a success in life, it’s important that you know what your personality type is. What are the Big 5 Personality Traits? This will blow your mind!
Each individual innately possesses five key personality traits, and while they vary in strength, they can greatly affect how any person interacts with their environment, both at home and at work. They also determine how successful that person may be in the world of relationships and friendships.
The Big Five Personality Traits are:
1. Neuroticism (Emotional Stability or Instability)
It refers to a personality trait that describes a person’s predisposition to experience negative emotions. It comprises characteristics such as anxiety, fearfulness, moodiness, depression, self-consciousness and vulnerability. People who score high on neuroticism are commonly more susceptible to stress and generally have less satisfaction with life as compared with those who score low on neuroticism.
2. Agreeableness (Cognitive Style)
Agreeableness is a personality trait that describes a person’s level of cooperativeness, helpfulness and courtesy. People high on this trait would be more likely to say “yes” when asked to do something they don’t really want to do; they are more forgiving and accommodating of other people’s shortcomings; and they typically have an optimistic view of human nature and will trust others until given a reason not to. On the flip side, those who scored low in this area may be perceived as arrogant, aggressive or cold by others.
3. Extraversion (Positive Emotions)
Extraversion is characterised by the tendency to seek out social situations and engage with other people. Those who possess this trait are usually fun-loving, interactive, talkative and assertive. Sometimes called the “sociability trait”, people high on this personality dimension often engage in more solitary activities such as reading or listening to music.
4. Conscientiousness (Deliberativeness)
Conscientiousness is a personality trait characterised by a disciplined, systematic and self-disciplined approach to tasks. People high in conscientiousness tend to be more organised and goal-oriented. They will pay attention to detail, work hard when they have a task and strive for perfection at work. They are also likely to be reliable and responsible individuals who keep promises and follow through on commitments made to others.
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5. Openness to Experience (Imagination or Intellect)
A person’s openness to experience is measured by the degree to which they are curious, inventive, original and creative. High scores on the openness scale indicate an appreciation for art and beauty, a wide range of interests, a sensitivity to beauty, an unconventional view of the world and a desire to travel.
As with most psychological traits and characteristics, there is a wide spectrum that exists among each of these personality types. Some people can be extremely high in one trait but low in another; some people may possess all five personality dimensions; while some may possess only one or two dimensions.
Research has shown that there is no one personality type that can be completely identified by a person’s Big 5 traits. Rather, each of the dimensions is unique and separately influences the way a person thinks, feels and behaves. For example, neuroticism may be responsible for the occasional moodiness or bouts of depression; while openness to experience may inspire creativity and innovation in those who possess it.
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